G. Pal, Y. Pavlyukh, W. Hübner, H.C. Schneider
Eur. Phys. J. B 79, pp 327 (2011)We present a method for computing optical absorption spectra by means of a Bethe-Salpeter equation approach, which is based on a conserving linear response calculation for electron-hole coherences in the presence of an external electromagnetic field. This procedure allows, in principle, for the determination of the electron-hole correlation function self-consistently with the corresponding single-particle Green function. We analyze the general approach for a ?one-shot? calculation of the photoabsorption cross section of finite systems, and discuss the importance of scattering and dephasing contributions in this approach. We apply the method to the closed-shell clusters Na4, Na9+ and Na21+, treating one active electron per Na atom.
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