
Photoinduced nonequilibrium spin, charge polarizations and spin-dependent current in quantum rings

Zhu Z.G. and Berakdar J.

Physica Status Solidi B 247 , pp 641 (2010)

We investigate the spin-dependent dynamical response of a semiconductor quantum ring with a spin orbit interaction upon the application of a single and two linearly polarized, picosecond, asymmetric electromagnetic pulses in the presence of a static magnetic flux. We find that the pulse-generated electric dipole moment is spin dependent. It is also shown that the spin orbit interaction induces an extra SU(2) effective flux in addition to the static external magnetic flux which is reflected in an additional periodicity of the spin-dependent dipole moment. Furthermore, the pulses may induce a net dynamical charge currents and dynamical spin currents when the clockwise and anti-clockwise symmetry of the carrier is broken upon the pulse application.

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