
Two-particle photoemission from strongly correlated systems: A dynamical mean-field approach

D.-Napitu B. and Berakdar J.

Phys. Rev. B 81, pp 195108 (2010)

We study theoretically the simultaneous photo induced two-particle excitations of strongly correlated systems on the basis of the Hubbard model. Under certain conditions specified in this work, the corresponding transition probability is related to the two-particle spectral function which we calculate using three different methods: the dynamical mean-field theory combined with quantum Monte Carlo technique, the first-order perturbation theory and the ladder approximations. The results are analyzed and compared for systems at the verge of the metal-insulator transitions. The dependencies on the electronic correlation strength and on doping are explored. In addition, the account for the orbital degeneracy allows an insight into the influence of interband correlations on the two-particle excitations. A suitable experimental realization is discussed.

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