
Curvature-assisted high harmonic generation in strongly-driven superconductors

Niedzielski B., Berakdar J.

Opt. Mater. Express 15, pp 33 (2025)

The dynamic of the order parameter in superconductors (SCs) under strong driving is inherently nonlinear, but utilization for nonlinear optics and high harmonic generation (HHG) is hindered by the weak coupling of SCs to transverse homogeneous driving fields. When the superconducting coherence length is large enough to allow for curvature modulations without breaking the superconducting phase, the coupling of the order parameter to the driving-field vector potential changes. Here, we show that with the help of full numerical simulations, mesoscopic curvatures or bending of strongly driven type-II SC structures result in highly nonlinear THz superconducting currents, which lead to far-field HHG extending up to the tens harmonics. It is shown that even and odd harmonics can be controllably emitted by a transport current. The driving mechanism is a nonlinear steering of supercurrent by geometric and finite-size effects. At the same time, the SC state remains fully coherent over the whole sample and within the driving time. The phase matching of the emitted harmonics is discussed.

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